About us
EVA Women’s Aid is an award-winning professional organisation providing free, confidential and non-judgmental specialist support services for women and children who have been affected by any form of domestic abuse and / or sexual violence at any time in their lives.
EVA Women’s Aid is a women only organisation, independent of the criminal justice system, statutory agencies and other private companies.
About us
EVA Women’s Aid is an award-winning professional organisation providing free, confidential and non-judgmental specialist support services for women and children who have been affected by any form of domestic abuse and / or sexual violence at any time in their lives.
EVA Women’s Aid is a women only organisation, independent of the criminal justice system, statutory agencies and other private companies.
Our Services
- Supported Housing
- Adult Counselling
- Awareness Raising
- The Freedom programme and our own programmes
- Information / Advice Service
- Support Groups
- Legal Surgeries
- Volunteering Opportunities
- Children and Young People’s Counselling
- Schools programme
- Fitness and Wellbeing Service
- Training
Counselling Services

EVA’S Counselling Service provides therapeutic support for women over 18 and children/young people of all genders. Our counselling if offered on a needs-led basis until the client has come to their natural therapeutic close. An addition to our office hours appointments we also offer early morning and late evening appointments as required.
Multiple therapeutic interventions are used to provide counselling support to children and young people. We also work closely with other agencies such as social workers and schools to ensure that the needs of the child or the young person are recognised and met.
Our counsellors work to the BACP Ethical Framework for Good Practice and specialise in working with people who have experienced domestic abuse and/ or sexual violence.
The Freedom Programme

This is a nationally-available rolling programme and can be joined at any time. It is open to any woman who has experienced an abusive relationship or to women wishing to learn more about the reality of domestic abuse.
It helps women understand the beliefs of the abuser and identify and challenge any shared beliefs. It also illustrates the effects of domestic abuse on children and assists women in recognising potential future abusers.

Following on programme, written by EVA Women’s Aid, for women who have completed the Freedom Programme and who feel ready to explore and move on with their lives.
The programme is designed to be voyage of self-discovery, charting the individual’s unique life course, examining beliefs and identifying future goals. They are designed to raise self-esteem and be transformative as well as informative. Women will be encouraged to focus on themselves and to think about self-care, life planning, coping techniques, longer term goal setting.
Flourish Programme

This group is designed for women who have completed all of EVA programmes and meets monthly for informal support and companionship.
Schools Programme

EVA delivers workshops and awareness raising sessions in schools and offer educational establishments throughout Redcar and Cleveland.
These sessions, using age-appropriate language and content, help young people recognise abusive behaviour and equip them to feel more comfortable about seeking support, and enable them to support their peers who may be victims of abuse. Often, these workshops give victims the courage to come forward and we are able to support children and young people with a range of specialist services at EVA.
We also deliver our own programme for young people called ‘4EVA’.
Indpendence Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA)

Our IDVA acts as your advocate, ensuring that your voice is heard. She will complete a risk assessment and prepare safety plans to reduce the risk to you and your children.
Our IDVA works with other agencies to ensure the safety of victims and children. She can also support you through the civil and criminal justice system.
Voluteering Opportunities

Our volunteers are a much valued and vital part of our organisations. We offer a variety of volunteering opportunities, giving women the chance to be part of our dynamic team, increase their skills and knowledge, improving personal well-being and employment prospects whilst helping support the women we work with.
Legal Surgeries

You can make an appointment at EVA’s House to obtain information on a range of topics including legal issues, health and well-being and issues relating to reporting to the police and court procedures. Cygnet’s Domestic Abuse specialists will see clients regarding protection and safety for both adults and children. Experienced in Public Law, they will offer advice and support regarding meetings such as Child Protection, Conferences and any subsequent Court proceedings.
Contact us

EVA’s House
86 High Street,
Redcar TS10 3DL
01642 490677
Contact us