Programmes / Events

We have a series of instructional programmes designed to support your recovery journey. Our programmes are important for so many reasons. They are a place for survivors to meet other women who can empathise with their situations, providing peer support and enduring friendships.

Although it can be scary at first, there’s no pressure to discuss personal circumstances and group member support is as valuable as the programme learning.

Our programmes include:

Programmes & Events

We have a series of instructional programmes designed to support your recovery journey. Our programmes are important for so many reasons. They are a place for survivors to meet other women who can empathise with their situations, providing peer support and enduring friendships.

Although it can be scary at first, there’s no pressure to discuss personal circumstances and group member support is as valuable as the programme learning.

Our programmes include:

Freedom Programme

We have delivered this nationally recognised programme for many years at EVA Women’s aid.

EVA Lution Programme

A program to empower women, following up on the Freedom program, to transition into the next phase of their lives.

Changes Programme

We designed this as a follow-on to the Lution programme. This is aimed at developing long term growth.

Freedom Programme

We have delivered this nationally recognised programme for many years at EVA Women’s aid. This is a domestic abuse programme that examines the effect of attitudes and beliefs on the actions of abusive men and the responses of victims and survivors.

This is a programme that runs over several weeks over sessions held in our offices.

Domestic abuse covers physical violence, psychological abuse and financial abuse. Someone affected by domestic abuse may be restricted in where they go, or told what they can and can’t wear, or be threatened, humiliated or manipulated.

These sessions are delivered by our staff who are fully trained. The programme is designed to examine why domestic abuse occurs and how to recognise the signs of abusive behaviour.  We provide a safe space where Women can share their experiences in a non-judgemental environment and build the skills and confidence needed to recognise repeated patterns of abusive behaviour in relationships to help break the cycle.

EVA Lution Programme

This is a programme that EVA Women’s Aid has designed as a follow on from the Freedom programme aimed at empowering Women to move into the next chapter of their life.

After repeated requests from women to join the Freedom Programme for a second time we looked around for a suitable follow-on programme but could not find anything we liked. We received funding to write and pilot our own follow-on programme, and EVA…Lution was born. It was then taken through the accreditation process and achieved Level 2 with OCN (Open College Network) and was launched in 2018.

EVA…Lution is follow-on Programme for women who have completed the Freedom Programme and who feel ready to explore and move on with their lives. The programme is designed to be a voyage of self-discovery, charting the individual’s unique life course, examining beliefs and identifying future goals. It is designed to raise self-esteem and be transformative as well as informative.

Changes Programme

We designed this as a follow-on to the EVA Lution programme. This is aimed at developing long term growth. Our programme “Changes” was written by staff at EVA Women’s Aid and was launched on International Women’s Day 2021 after gaining Level 2 accreditation with OCN.

This course is an opportunity for women to focus on themselves and think about self-care, life planning, coping techniques, longer term goal setting. It involves a small group and is extremely intensive and helps women to recognise and grow their strengths.

Working in Schools

If you would like to develop a long-term partnership with us we would love to hear from you.


With a gift in your will to us, you are helping us in our mission to end violence towards women.

45+ Project

Choose us as your charity  to ensure your company becomes a force for good.

Our Work in Schools

A range of sessions held in schools designed to help young people aware of abusive behaviour and what they can do to seek support.

EVA delivers workshops and awareness raising sessions in secondary schools and other educational establishments throughout Redcar and Cleveland. These sessions, using age-appropriate language and content, help young people recognise abusive behaviour and equip them to feel more comfortable about seeking support, and enable them to support their peers who may be victims of abuse. Often, these workshops give victims the courage to come forward, and we can support children and young people with a range of specialist services at EVA.


Designed for helping and supporting teenagers to help them navigate areas like what a healthy relationship is and social media use.

Our Programmes for women have been really successful, so we wanted to create an exclusive Programme that is just for young people. “4EVA” focusses on teenagers, encouraging them to explore their personal relationships, to understand coercion and control and its impact, while equipping participants with the skills needed to make healthy relationship choices.

Crucially, it includes a module focussing on social media and how this can be misused –a topic we are often asked about. Each session includes a mix of discussion, engaging written exercises and creative activities. This ensures there is a fresh and fast-paced approach, with something for everyone.

45+ Project

Our award-winning bespoke programme designed to support Women over the age of 45.

At EVA Women’s Aid, we are proud that we not only listen to our service users, but we take note of what they say, and act upon it when possible. The ‘45+ Project’ was borne out of a conversation with one of our older service users and is today one of our most notable projects.

The Project involved four main elements:

  • Employing a new member of Staff dedicated to working with women aged over 45
  • Delivering awareness raising sessions to professionals and other interested parties who had contact with women over 45
  • The opening of the UK’s first (and only) Safe House for older women
  • A poster/flyer campaign featuring images of older women

In addition, because there was very little research available about domestic abuse and older victims, we undertook a joint piece of research with Dr Nikki Carthy from Teesside University. This focussed on barriers to older women reporting abuse or seeking support, and has since been published in The European Journal of Criminology.

The Project began with a roar – we opened the new Safe House on

Monday by Friday, we were full. The property has remained almost at full capacity levels since then. The following year, we saw a 45% increase in the number of women aged over 45 accessing EVA’s services, including a staggering 500% increase in the 55-65 age group. Every year since, around 25% of our service users are aged 45 and over:

EVA Women’s Aid received five awards for our work relating to older women. These are:

  • Lloyd’s Bank Foundation Charity Achievement Awards ‘Championing Change’ (runner up)
  • North East Charity Awards ‘Charity Campaign of the Year’ (runner-up)
  • Charity Bank Awards ‘Greatest Impact’ (WINNER)
  • Cabinet Office ‘Social Entrepreneur Investment Award’ (runner-up)
  • South Tees Charity Awards ‘Getting Noticed’ (WINNER)

Veterans Project

This is a programme designed to supporting families of military personnel (either currently or ex-serving)

Veterans Project

This is a programme designed to supporting families of military personnel (either currently or ex-serving) with knowledge understanding and support for victims of abuse.

There is no evidence to suggest that domestic abuse is more prevalent within the UK Armed Forces than elsewhere, but there are added pressures for serving personnel, and ex-personnel, and their families, that are not necessarily reduced after leaving the Armed Forces, and could even be exacerbated.

In response to this, EVA created a coordinated programme of activities which included several awareness-raising workshops delivered online to organisations supporting Veterans throughout the UK. This has increased other professionals’ knowledge and understanding which in turn helps them to better support victims of abuse, and to identify abusive behaviour.

Freedom Programme

We have delivered this nationally recognised programme for many years at EVA Women’s aid.

Freedom Programme

We have delivered this nationally recognised programme for many years at EVA Women’s aid. This is a domestic abuse programme that examines the effect of attitudes and beliefs on the actions of abusive men and the responses of victims and survivors.

This is a programme that runs over several weeks over sessions held in our offices.

Domestic abuse covers physical violence, psychological abuse and financial abuse. Someone affected by domestic abuse may be restricted in where they go, or told what they can and can’t wear, or be threatened, humiliated or manipulated.

These sessions are delivered by our staff who are fully trained. The programme is designed to examine why domestic abuse occurs and how to recognise the signs of abusive behaviour.  We provide a safe space where Women can share their experiences in a non-judgemental environment and build the skills and confidence needed to recognise repeated patterns of abusive behaviour in relationships to help break the cycle.

EVA Lution Programme

A programme we designed as a follow on from the Freedom programme aimed at empowering Women to move into the next chapter of their life.

EVA Lution Programme

This is a programme that EVA Women’s Aid has designed as a follow on from the Freedom programme aimed at empowering Women to move into the next chapter of their life.

After repeated requests from women to join the Freedom Programme for a second time we looked around for a suitable follow-on programme but could not find anything we liked. We received funding to write and pilot our own follow-on programme, and EVA…Lution was born. It was then taken through the accreditation process and achieved Level 2 with OCN (Open College Network) and was launched in 2018.

EVA…Lution is follow-on Programme for women who have completed the Freedom Programme and who feel ready to explore and move on with their lives. The programme is designed to be a voyage of self-discovery, charting the individual’s unique life course, examining beliefs and identifying future goals. It is designed to raise self-esteem and be transformative as well as informative.

Changes Programme

We designed this as a follow-on to the Lution programme. This is aimed at developing long term growth.

Changes Programme

We designed this as a follow-on to the EVA Lution programme. This is aimed at developing long term growth. Our programme “Changes” was written by staff at EVA Women’s Aid and was launched on International Women’s Day 2021 after gaining Level 2 accreditation with OCN.

This course is an opportunity for women to focus on themselves and think about self-care, life planning, coping techniques, longer term goal setting. It involves a small group and is extremely intensive and helps women to recognise and grow their strengths.

Working in Schools

If you would like to develop a long-term partnership with us we would love to hear from you.

Our Work in Schools

A range of sessions held in schools designed to help young people aware of abusive behaviour and what they can do to seek support.

EVA delivers workshops and awareness raising sessions in secondary schools and other educational establishments throughout Redcar and Cleveland. These sessions, using age-appropriate language and content, help young people recognise abusive behaviour and equip them to feel more comfortable about seeking support, and enable them to support their peers who may be victims of abuse. Often, these workshops give victims the courage to come forward, and we can support children and young people with a range of specialist services at EVA.


With a gift in your will to us, you are helping us in our mission to end violence towards women.


Designed for helping and supporting teenagers to help them navigate areas like what a healthy relationship is and social media use.

Our Programmes for women have been really successful, so we wanted to create an exclusive Programme that is just for young people. “4EVA” focusses on teenagers, encouraging them to explore their personal relationships, to understand coercion and control and its impact, while equipping participants with the skills needed to make healthy relationship choices.

Crucially, it includes a module focussing on social media and how this can be misused –a topic we are often asked about. Each session includes a mix of discussion, engaging written exercises and creative activities. This ensures there is a fresh and fast-paced approach, with something for everyone.

45+ Project

Choose us as your charity of the year to ensure your company becomes a force for good.

45+ Project

Our award-winning bespoke programme designed to support Women over the age of 45.

At EVA Women’s Aid, we are proud that we not only listen to our service users, but we take note of what they say, and act upon it when possible. The ‘45+ Project’ was borne out of a conversation with one of our older service users and is today one of our most notable projects.

The Project involved four main elements:

  • Employing a new member of Staff dedicated to working with women aged over 45
  • Delivering awareness raising sessions to professionals and other interested parties who had contact with women over 45
  • The opening of the UK’s first (and only) Safe House for older women
  • A poster/flyer campaign featuring images of older women

In addition, because there was very little research available about domestic abuse and older victims, we undertook a joint piece of research with Dr Nikki Carthy from Teesside University. This focussed on barriers to older women reporting abuse or seeking support, and has since been published in The European Journal of Criminology.

The Project began with a roar – we opened the new Safe House on

Monday by Friday, we were full. The property has remained almost at full capacity levels since then. The following year, we saw a 45% increase in the number of women aged over 45 accessing EVA’s services, including a staggering 500% increase in the 55-65 age group. Every year since, around 25% of our service users are aged 45 and over:

EVA Women’s Aid received five awards for our work relating to older women. These are:

  • Lloyd’s Bank Foundation Charity Achievement Awards ‘Championing Change’ (runner up)
  • North East Charity Awards ‘Charity Campaign of the Year’ (runner-up)
  • Charity Bank Awards ‘Greatest Impact’ (WINNER)
  • Cabinet Office ‘Social Entrepreneur Investment Award’ (runner-up)
  • South Tees Charity Awards ‘Getting Noticed’ (WINNER)

Veterans Project

This is a programme designed to supporting families of military personnel (either currently or ex-serving)

Veterans Project

This is a programme designed to supporting families of military personnel (either currently or ex-serving) with knowledge understanding and support for victims of abuse.

There is no evidence to suggest that domestic abuse is more prevalent within the UK Armed Forces than elsewhere, but there are added pressures for serving personnel, and ex-personnel, and their families, that are not necessarily reduced after leaving the Armed Forces, and could even be exacerbated.

In response to this, EVA created a coordinated programme of activities which included several awareness-raising workshops delivered online to organisations supporting Veterans throughout the UK. This has increased other professionals’ knowledge and understanding which in turn helps them to better support victims of abuse, and to identify abusive behaviour.

Contact us


EVA Women’s Aid
86 High Street,
Redcar TS10 3DL


01642 490677


12 + 14 =

Contact us